Established in 2008, Mederev is an innovative provider of RMMR and QUM clinical pharmacy services. We bring collaboration with doctors together with innovative systems and reporting.

Improving Outcomes

Mederev, through our best practice RMMR process, fosters collaboration between providers of RMMR and QUM services and medical practitioners to demonstrate improved outcomes for all residents that are at risk of medication misadventure.

Innovative Digital Solutions

Mederev understands the increasingly complex clinical governance requirements and accountability especially for medication management. We work with providers on all aspects of compulsory reporting and benchmarking. Using innovative digital solutions data interpretation will drive improved outcomes for residents.

Medication Education

Mederev has the capacity to provide all compulsory education for medication administration as well as an extensive QUM catalogue of medication specific educational resources online. We also have an extensive range of Mede-Info-Blasts designed to deliver up to date, absolute need to know information in one page.


General Practitioners

Mederev is an innovative provider of RMMR, established for more than 12 years. Mederev will assign a dedicated clinical pharmacist to collaborate with the team at aged care facilities and perform RMMRs and follow ups for you.

Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMRs)

With Mederev’s clinical excellence in medication management:

Speak to us about your RMMR requirements today

Why RMMRs are Important

Up to 67% of patients’ hospital medication histories contained at least 1 error, with a higher incidence among people aged 65+

2.7 - 3.9
medication related problems per resident

45 - 84%
of recommendations

Aged Care Resident Average Daily Medicine Intake


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TAKE 10+

medicine 10
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Number of medications in our Aged Care Facilities

Statistics 2014 - 2019


from aged care residents increased by 20%


increased by 27%

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1/3 of all aged care residents present to EDs AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR

On average only 21.5% out of 143,676 Residents at 2799 facilities, received an RMMR within the first 90 days

Aged Care Facilities

Mederev is an innovative provider of RMMR, QUM, quality reporting, clinical governance enterprise and MAC support.

Key Benefits

Mederev Clinical pharmacists will become part of your clinical team and ensure your RMMR and QUM/educational needs are met to the highest standard in line with your policies and procedures. RMMR outcome data will be provided at MAC meetings driven by our team.

Our Offer Includes:


At Mederev we strive for best practice RMMRs. Our clinical pharmacists will become part of the clinical team at each facility and ensure RMMR and QUM/educational needs are met to the highest standard in line with policies and procedures.
We are focused on improving outcomes for our residents using our collaboration with doctors and facility staff.
Mederev are working to embrace technology to bring innovation to maximise medication safety and minimize medication misadventure.

Mederev has an advisory board comprising of leading experts in the Medication Field in Australia. This expertise is available to assist with development of policies in line with industry changes and requirements.